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The idea to establish enterprise in Poland and Hungary has come simultaneously. But due to bureaucracy and organizational issues the Hungary enterprise was set after Poland.

The list of shareholders eligible to participate in the general meeting, will be composed on April 18, 2017, in accordance with the requirements of the depository system.

The Law of Ukraine №1797-VIII of 21.12.2016 (entered into force on 01/01/2017) has finally regulated the discrepancies in the Tax Code of Ukraine (Article 164 and Article 165) on tax on personal income of natural persons selling scrap metal.

Dear colleagues and business partners! Season’s Greetings and a happy New Year!

In confrontation of steelmakers and scrap procurement companies of Ukraine, which was particularly acute during the last two years, there were used all possible means, including informal.

On November 18, 2016 at an extraordinary congress of the Ukrainian Association of Secondary Metals Volodymyr Bubley was elected as President of the association.

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